wildfarmers is a division of Stork Peterkin International; a 501c3 non profit
wildfarmers is a division of Stork Peterkin International; a 501c3 non profit
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There once was a time when the land was rich in biodiversity and the ecological system of air, water and land functioned in a way that balanced human and wild life. ReWOW is designed to take the land back in time, about 600 years, to a time when the ecology was healthy and abundant.
Happening over time, the current lands are covered with invasive grasses, which is slowly killing and starving the indigenous plants and animals (Monarch butterfly, native bees, salamanders, birds, elk and many others
California’s grasslands are some of the most heavily invaded habitats in the nation. As the climate changes—temperatures increase and water becomes scarcer.
Moving forward in 2023, we are starting a one-acre pilot project that will spread to forty acres. Working with cultural fire as soil preparation, installing water storage and watering systems, wild pig exclusion fencing, cameras so the students can follow the growth and wildlife and pollinator status as well as plant status; the students will plant 700 indigenous plants on this first acre. The plants were donated by Xerces Society for Invertebrates and will provide pollinator and animal habitat, as well as food for humans. Indigenous plants have evolved to tolerate drought and other weather abnormalities and will grow and produce with little or no water. Through hands on experience growing indigenous food in the wild the students will be better equipped as the stewards of the future. They will plant the plants, take part in evaluating the project, count plants and invertebrates and vertebrates annually with the BioBlitz as well as on a day to day basis through the internet real time camera interface. The students will take place in the harvesting and food preparation and feasting. This project will eventually spawn a community co-op to sell product